Sacred scores

Please feel free to download and try out the following pieces with your choir:

Composer Title
Alcock There is a river
Alcock Holy Communion in B flat
Amner Come, let's rejoice
Anonymous Alta trinita beata
Anonymous Ferial Preces and Responses Part 1 Part 2
Anonymous A Lent Prose
Anonymous O love the Lord
Anonymous O worship the Lord
Anonymous Rejoice in the Lord alway
Anonymous The children of the Hebrews (Pueri Hebraeorum)
Anonymous This is the day
Arkhangelskiy Nynye otpushchaeshi (Nunc dimittis) Old spelling New spelling
Attwood Enter not into judgment
Auber O Lord, my strength
Ayleward Preces and responses
Bach Er ist das Heil
Bach In peace and joy
Bach Jesu, meiner Seelen Wonne
Bach Jesu, meiner Seelen Wonne (transposed to G major)
Bach Mit Fried und Freud
Bach O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (transposed to A minor)
Bairstow Jesu, grant me this, I pray
Barnby Abide with me
Beethoven Gott, deine Güte
Beethoven The heavens proclaim him
Blow Teach me thy way, O Lord
Bradbury When my heart is overwhelmed
Brewer Most blessed Jesus
Brown O death, where is thy sting?
Cabezón Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Cabezón Mass
Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus, Agnus Dei
Callcott Hymn of Peace
Camidge Jubilate Deo
Camidge Praise the Lord, O my soul
Camidge Te Deum laudamus
Campian Never weather-beaten sail
Cecil I will arise
Crüger Herzliebster Jesu
Cruickshank Communion Service in E flat
Darnton Worthy is the Lamb
Davies Had we but hearkened (choir parts)
Davies King of glory
Davies Vox ultima crucis
Delius Ave Maria
Dowland Old Hundredth
Elgar As torrents in summer
Elgar O salutaris hostia
Elgar The spirit of the Lord
Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine - voice parts
Goss Christ is risen
Gregorian Hostis Herodes impie
Gregorian Nunc dimittis
Gregorian Nuptiae factae sunt
Gregorian Pange lingua
Gregorian Preces and responses
Gregorian Ut queant laxis
Goss Almighty and merciful God
Händl Ecce quomodo moritur justus
Handel Ach, wie hungert mein Gemüte (a cappella)
Handel Ach, wie hungert mein Gemüte (with cues)
Handel Let thy hand be strengthened
Handel Their bodies are buried in peace
Handel The King shall rejoice
Handel The people will tell
Harwood Draw nigh, and take the Body of the Lord
Harwood Magnificat in E flat
Harwood Nunc dimittis in E flat
Hauptmann God, my help
Hauptmann Look up to God
Havergal Cantate Domino
Havergal Deus Misereatur
Haydn Mit Staunen (from The Creation)
Hiles Blessed are the merciful
Himmel O Lord, bow down
Holden Sun of my soul
Kinross O wisdom which camest
Mandelberg See, O God, we children come
Mason As the hart panteth
Mason I will extol thee
Maunder Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D
Mendelssohn Wachet auf! (from St. Paul)
Moeran Blessed are those servants
Morrison Dreams of Galilee
Müller All ye nations, praise the Lord
Murrill Magnificat and Nunc dimittis
Murrill The souls of the righteous
Nicholson God be in my head
Nicholson Magnificat in D flat
Nicholson Nunc Dimittis in D flat
Nielsen Afflictus sum
Nielsen Benedictus Dominus
Nielsen Dominus regit me
Ouseley From the rising of the sun
Ouseley Is it nothing to you?
Ouseley Thou art my portion
Palestrina O Saviour of the world
Pflueger Hast thou not known
Porter Gently, Lord, O gently lead us
Praetorius Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht
Purcell Hear my prayer, O Lord
Purcell Rejoice in the Lord, alway (Chorus parts)
Purcell The Lord is King, and hath put on glorious apparel
Purcell Thou knowest, Lord
Saint-Saëns Ave verum corpus
Sans Souci A Song of Hope and Peace
Shaw Christ the Lord is risen
Shepard O Jesus, thou art standing
Smith Come unto me
Smith O worship the Lord
Spohr Teach me thy way
Stainer God so loved the world
Stainer How beautiful upon the mountains
Stanford Beati quorum via
Stanford Magnificat in C
Stanford Nunc dimittis in C
Stanford Psalm 150
Stone The Lord's Prayer E flat major
Stone The Lord's Prayer G major
Stone The Lord's Prayer A flat major
Stone The Lord's Prayer A major
Taverner Alleluia
Tchaikovsky Kheruvimskaya pesn
Terry Richard de Castre's Prayer to Jesus
Trimnell Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Tryhorn Teach me, O Lord
Tye In those days as the nombre playne
Tye O Lord, thy word endureth
Tye When that the people taught
Walmisley Magnificat in D minor
Walmisley Nunc dimittis in D minor
Weldon O praise God in his holiness
Wesley Man that is born of a woman
White O praise God in his holiness
Whitfield I will lift up mine eyes
Whitlock He is risen
Wise Sonnet 146
Wood Bow down thine ear
Wood Communion service - Ionian mode
Wood Communion service - Phrygian mode
Wood Magnificat founded on an old Scotch chant
Wood Nunc dimittis founded on an old Scotch chant
Wood Magnificat in C minor
Wood Nunc dimittis in C minor
Wood Mit Freuden zart
Wood Oculi omnium
Wood Oculi omnium - canon
Wood O most merciful
Wood Out of the deep